فلاشات إخبارية
توزيع حصص غذائية على طلاب الإمداد للرعاية والتأهيل - بنت جبيلكلنا إمداد: 2300 عائلة فقراء وأيتام ترعاها جمعية الإمداد في بعلبك استلمت الحصص الغذائيةكلنا إمداد: من صدقات الخيرين جمعية الإمداد وزعت الحصص الغذائية على 1100 عائلة فقراء وأيتام في الهرملورشة فوبيجو حرفية في مركز الإمداد الرعائي - الهرملورشة في العلاج النفسي لأهالي تلامذة مركز الإمداد الرعائي - بعلبكأسبوع أنشطة مدرسة الإمام الباقر (ع) - راشكيداورشة الوقاية من فايروس كورونا في مراكز الإمداد الرعائيةورشة توعوية حول فايروس كورونا في مركز الإمداد الرعائي - بعلبكنشاط رياضي لتلامذة الإمداد الرعائي - حاروف مع رابطة جمهور النجمة كفررماناتحاد بلديات كسروان في ضيافة مركز الإمام علي (ع) للرعاية – المعيصرة بحضور رئيس بلديتها
رئيسية الموقع معرض الملتيمديا youtube facebook twitter البريد الإلكتروني البحث
الصفحة الرئيسية
رسالة، أهداف، سياسات
من نحن
كيف تكفل يتيماً
لمشاركتكم (صندوق الصدقة)
أنواع المساعدات
مراكز الرعاية والتأهيل
مدارس ومعاهد الإمداد
مراكز الرعاية الاجتماعية
ساهم في إنشاء مشروع خيري
البيانات وصدى الإمداد
نفتخر بتواصلكم معنا
Who Are We?
تصغير الخط تكبير الخط طباعة الصفحة
In The Name Of God

Islamic Charitable Emdad Committee - ICEC

It is the religion of Islam in its kindness and mercy.. with its high principles, which supports unity among members of the society to plant love, sympathy and hope in their hearts and to spread justice, honesty and truthfulness in their milieu..

For all this, and responding to the appeal of the displaced and the afflicted, and to the tear of orphans and the disabled elderly.

And from the heart of the suffering of the poor and the deprived, and the pains of the sick in Lebanese society.

orphanThe association was established in Lebanon in 1987, by law nb. 85/A.D. to carry out its missionary role and to restore humanity and dignity in manand to stretch its hand without asking for anything in return, so the poor, the orphan and the disabled can lead a dignified and honorable life, whose culture is love, and whose manners are mercy. It became a public welfare association by a presidential decree under the number 5829/1994 for its important social and welfare activities in all Lebanese areas - mainly those remote areas in the South, which are constantly shelled by Israeli troops, and in regions where the presence of government services is scarce if non existing. Many families sufferedduring the Lebanese war and some still are. Their suffering persists and sometimes increase on the financial, educational and social levels. For this reason the association tried its best to minimize the sufferings of those families and cover their needs especially in rural and neglected areas. Most of these rural and neglected areas were the refuge for many families when displaced by the Lebanese war or by Israeli bombardment and shelling.

The association's slogan was from the beginning "Support the destitute and the needy". Its activities covered in a few years all Lebanese regions. It established 9 branches, 5 schools and two care centers for handicapped children. The major objective of this association is to support and help families with no supporter or breadwinner. These families include those with a father who died or is detained or missing or suffers from a chronic disease. Families with social problems (divorce, handicap or permanent handicap or impoverished) can benefit from our services. The main condition to be included in our support program is the lack of any type of financial support. The exception willbe during times of war and displacement where all enduring families arehelped regardless of their religious or political status.

عنوان التعليق
لوحة المفاتيح العربية
رمز التأكيد

لتبرعاتكم ومساهماتكم وتكفّل يتيم يرجى الإتصال عبر:
المركز الرئيسي : لبنان - بيروت - حارة حريك(المدخل الغربي) - خلف المجلس - قرب مطعم خليفة - بناية الإمداد
76641631 00961
الى الاعلى آخر تحديث: 2024-02-07 الساعة: 13:37